beBee background
Nina Majerčíková

Nina Majerčíková

Sosocial media marketing -Tourism agency

Cestovný ruch / Cestovanie / Pohostinstvo

Martin, Martin

Sociálna sieť

O spoločnosti Nina Majerčíková:

I am currently finishing bachelor in Tourism at the faculty of Economics. I am communicative and enthusiastic person. I love to travel and learn about new cultures and languages! 


I have always worked in customer service area. My biggest achievement was to work as a floor manager of the bar when I was only 18. Other than that I worked as a waitress in the Tea shop for years when I was younger and I am currently working as a social media marketer for a travel agency based in Sri Lanka. 


Currently graduating in Bachelor year at Matej Bel University, faculty of Economics - Tourism department 

Odborníci z rôznych odvetví v blízkosti Martin, Martin
